Here at the Social Weed, we love to talk about all the things cannabis can do. From cancer cell terminator to mood-booster, cannabis can do it all. Many of the helpful benefits come from non-psychoactive elements, such as CBD but, THC is still the wider known compound of cannabis. To feel the effects, psychoactive or not, the plant is typically consumed after being heated in some way. That process is known as decarboxylation to make the THC digestible but, what if there are effects to eating cannabis raw?
So, what exactly is “raw” cannabis?
It typically refers to cannabis that is unaltered after its harvest or has not gone through that decarboxylation process that I mentioned before.
Though decarbing allows one to feel the psychoactive effects of cannabis, consuming it raw does more for the body and mind in a medicinal fashion.
Unlike heated-activated cannabis, raw dietary bud contains terpenes as well as cannabinoids. The cannabis plant contains over 400 chemical compounds in addition to vitamins, essentials oils, and beneficial acids. Consuming the plant raw actually makes more of those compounds available to the body. In addition, it can actually be consumed more regularly as it doesn’t have the same effect as THC. The active amounts of those compounds, some actually naturally occurring in everyday products, are necessary to the body. Not consuming those compounds regularly enough can actually cause migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, glaucoma, and even fibromyalgia.
CBD, among an assortment of other cannabinoids, are present in raw bud. When heat-activated the doses can be up to 10 mg but, in unaltered bud, it can be anywhere from 1-2000 mg.
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is antiemetic, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic, anti-inflammatory, antitumoral, antioxidant, antidiabetic, neuroprotective, and anti-depressant effects. In short, it’s beneficial to many ailments. If you want to give more into those benefits, you can read about them here.
It the case of raw cannabis, it surprisingly enough may have more medicinal benefits that decarbed bud. Given edibles long last effect in the body due to running through the body’s digestive process, it seems to be a minimal risk chronic pain alternative.
Since you are getting high doses of THCA and an assortment of medicinal cannabinoids, this method of consuming would be perfect for those seeking the medicinal effects of cannabis without any illicit compounds threatening their job and/or personal life.
Just as with traditional edibles, there are many ways to consume raw cannabis. Scouring through YouTube can give a variety of ideas and miracle stories of its use.
Juicing seems to be the most effective option.
Dr. William Courtney, a physician based in Mendocino, CA, is leading the research on raw dietary cannabis. He has helped over 8000 patients with raw cannabis’ therapeutic effects. He feels, “When it’s consumed as a leafy green vegetable, you get the whole profile of the plant.”
If you wanna try your hand in the kitchen, there are varieties of recipes online to choose from. As well, you could always try a more raw version of our Pineapple Smoothie. Simply substitute the infused coconut oil for raw bud in your blender.
In addition, take a look at our list of options to make your life a little greener.
Written by: Joycelin Arnold