The recipe couldn’t be simpler: just let some cream cheese soften, whip it up with some cannabutter, and you’re good to go. The cannabutter imparts just the slightest herbal flavor to the cream cheese, yielding a genuinely tasty “schmear” that can be used for breakfast and beyond. This cannabis cream cheese can be used as a spread, to make cream cheese frosting, or in any sweet or savory recipe calling for cream cheese.
Time Required: 3 to 6 hours
Yields 6 Cups Cream Cheese
What You Need:
large saucepan
several sheets of cheesecloth
1 ounce cannabis, finely ground
1 gallon whole milk
1 quart cultured buttermilk
½ teaspoon salt
candy thermometer
- Pour milk and buttermilk into saucepan. Stir finely ground cannabis into milk mixture. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
- Heat mixture until the temperature reaches 170 degrees. Keep milk between 170 degrees and 175 degrees for 15 more minutes.
- Pour the mixture through cheesecloth to remove the waste. (optional)
- Return milk to pan and wait 15 minutes. The mixture should start to separate.
- Line a strainer with several layers of cheesecloth and set it inside a large bowl. Pour the mixture through the strainer to collect curds. Discard the leftover milk, or use it in other recipes.
- Rest the curds on the strainer at room temperature for 2 to 4 hours.
- Remove curds from the cheesecloth and place in blender. Add salt and blend until creamy. Store in refrigerator.